Page 5 - WF6-Flipbook
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His ability to be competition ready in short time frames was no magic, well, maybe just a little. But Brett already had a background of a disciplined fitness regime from his involvement in Martial Arts. Additionally, as part of his earlier training, Brett trained with the Boomsquad, a team of natural powerlifters, “This allowed him to understand the importance of increasing one’s strength which translates into high loads with high volume training, essential in accumulating muscle mass for the natural lifter. Also, the use of flexible dieting, via counting the macro nutrients of food allowed him to get stage ready without the traditional restrictive dieting style of most body builders.” Adrian Knox
His experiences in acting made him no stranger to the stage. This suave model who graces billboards and magazines also starred in several local productions. In his role in Trafficked, “Brett became his character Alejandro, he charmed everyone, he was magnetic. Those first nights, were so much fun rehearsing. Then the night of the dinner scene, where Alejandro reveals his true motives. The intensity that Brett brought to the character shocked everyone, we were terrified of Brett for three days. That is dedication to one’s craft.” Sean Hodgekinson
When not intensely preparing for a competition Brett used his skills and knowledge as a personal trainer. “In an extremely mad world of public service and pressure he allowed me to pursue and find balance in mind, body and spirit. He squeezed every minute of perfect joy out of life and showed us all in his own special way how to chase that dream.” Faris Al -Rawi
Recently he started a round of training with the Winklaar Army, that was to take him to further competitive levels!
“Brett had a deep passion for strength and power. He never gave up down to the very last rep. He loved a challenge and was addicted to the burn and the pump. Brett was a true athlete, powerhouse and will remain a great inspiration to his teammates.” Kailash Winklaar
He competed in the CAC Championships in Santo Domingo in 2016 and that would set the stage for many more. However, that is not to be. This warrior had completed his tour of duty. Brett was sharply taken away from us on April 29, 2017. He is no doubt in his legendary” Valhalla”, the place where heroes from combat go to rest.
“Brett was a man and a son of total integrity. He was a person of deep introspection, seeking the truth and never varied from his core values and his belief of truth. He was a man of God, as best he came to know him, and sought success through the success of others. He especially cared for the downtrodden, the weak and the broken. He was a natural born leader.” Coach Bengo, Dad
“He taught me that’s it’s never too late to make a choice for yourself in life, whether you are a brother, a friend, a loved one, a father, but choose yourself!” Vahni Seunath, Soulmate
So as you enter the halls for the upcoming competitions, stop for a moment to honor his legacy. Softly in the background you’ll hear the chant, “Go Brett Go!”. Then, if you close your eyes, you’ll see the image of our Champion, smiling and gliding across the stage in all his glory, throwing “nuff love” on the event and whispering to each participant, “One rep at a time”!
“With you all the way Brett!” Your HBE Family ..For Eternity!

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