Page 48 - Flipbook
P. 48

 Are there any challenges you face in promoting this new addition to Strong by Zumba?
OH YEA! Once people hear the word Zumba they automatically think we're promoting a dance fitness class and completely ignore the Strong part.
Is Strong by Zumba suitable for everyone?
It's suited for an active adult (male and female) not someone who hasn't done a fitness class in over a year. As the class incorporates push, planks burpees and more.
How does one get into one of your classes and where are they located? I've got classes in different locations East West and Central. The best way to reach me would be by contacting my Bfit with Bella page on facebook for our most recent schedule
Are you ever nervous stepping on stage to instruct a large crowd at events?
I always get nerves up to 10secs before stepping on stage but once I step foot on that stage my body automatically goes into delivery mode to provide the best experience for the participants to the best of my ability. I get lost in the music every time! It's like another reality for me.
What goes through your mind before going up on stage?
The people's experience hands down. What would benefit them, what would they enjoy the most and more. They come first!!
Well we all know that not everything goes as plan. What was your most embarrassing moment at an event? My music mix refused to play in front 300 people at a carnival event. My partner and I had to wing our set to unfamiliar music. Which is like your worst nightmare in Zumba world.
Name a quote that keeps you going in the business?
Practice like you never won! Perform like you never lost!

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