Page 14 - Flipbook
P. 14

 How long have you been competing and what is your favourite category?
I have been competing for 8 years and my favourite category is light-heavyweight.
Which part of your physique are you most proud of?
The part of my physique that I'm most proud of are my biceps. I love my biceps because of the peak that I earned from training it very hard and concentrated and I also think genetics had a part to play because my dad got that peak too!
Are there any workouts that you don't particularly look forward to?
There are no parts that I don't look forward to. When it's time for me to train, I'm always excited and anxiously awaiting to 'Destroy the Iron!'
What would be a typical weekly spilt for you?
A typical week split for me would be: Monday- Legs, Tuesday- Chest and triceps, Wednesday- Rest, Thursday- Back and biceps, Friday- Shoulders and Saturday, Sunday rest.
Are you married, any kids? How do you balance family life and gym life?
I am married and have an intelligent 3 year old boy. It was very challenging to balance family life and gym life at first when our son was born because of the extra support needed at home, for the first 6 months I would say was very crucial. I used to compromise my sleep time a lot more than gym time. We then take turns in baby-sitting while the other gets togotothegym.AsLukeis3yearsnow,we taught him that exercise is fun and he loves it ... a family that trains together, stays together!
How important is it to have the support of your significant other when pursuing your goals?
It's very important for me to have the support of my significant other. When it's coming down to the last week of dieting before competition, it becomes very frustrating and mentally stressful. My wife is always there to encourage and support me even up to backstage. She totally understands what I go through now after I put her on the same diet for a photo shoot we had. (laughs)

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