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L ve&Fitness
 Be My Valentine Fit Buddy!
You bought that body hugging dress for stepping out on Valentines night! All you need to do is get those abs in a bit more, add a few more sets of squats! Yep, a couple more weeks, you’ll be set!
So today you arrive at the door, lacing up shoes and grabbing the gym bag, “You coming hun?” you throw out at him. “Nah, have some work to do” he replies from the couch, not lifting an eye from the television screen or removing his hand from the bowl of snacks. You glance at the love handles peeking out, the additional folds on the once tight stomach, you leave wondering how can you get him to take his health and fitness level seriously!
 Talk about it
Firstly, have you talked to him about it? Personal fitness can be a sensitive issue, and if he has body image concerns it could be more difficult to have the conversation. Choose an appropriate time when he’s receptive to you, not when he’s too relaxed so that you sound like a drone, or when he’s stressed over some matter. Whatever you do please don’t suggest that he’s become unattractive.
Don’t come across as too critical
Approach from a positive position. Maybe start with a compliment, “How do you keep those legs looking so hot!”. Wait for the smile, volunteer a criticism of yourself, “I’m fighting so hard to keep my stomach in check!”. He looks sheepishly at his stomach, does a traditional pat and mumbles, “huh, mine seems to need some work too!”.Thereyougo! Talkaboutyourtraining,diet,challengesand results. Admit your own insecurities and fears and ask for his opinion and help.
Relax, don’t push it
Raise the issue once and leave it alone for the moment. He’ll have food
for thought and may come back at you on the matter another time.
Slowly change his environment
Reshape his environment to make healthy behaviours easier. Bring a treadmill and “plant” it in front of the television. Put a scale in the bathroom, say the stuff’s for you and use it!! You may find he jumps on and peeks at his weight when you’re not looking. Leave some healthy snacks in his fridge. He may not be able to resist taking a taste of your protein bar or cookie but do put something that actually tastes good (otherwise you’re doomed!) During this transition, several small conversations may come up, be attentive, and answer his questions positively and cheerfully. Again don’t rush it all in one conversation, be patient.
Explore options
If he shows interest, plan an activity he will enjoy. Is he a boxing fan, likes swimming? Finding an activity that truly interests him will encourage him to get more active and start positive habits. Commit to sharing these with him. Appreciate that these may not always be activities that you enjoy, and could take you too out of your comfort zone. However, it is a sacrifice

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