Page 17 - Flipbook
P. 17

  With a name like Rocky you are already halfway to being champ, who chose that name for you?
My dad David Brewster was a sports reporter for the Trinidad Express newspaper, he loved the boxer Rocky Maciano, he decided to name his first born son after his idol but fortunately or unfortunately he never wanted me in the ring.
Why did you get into weightlifting and when did you start to consider going into competition?
Being diabetic I got into weight lifting to keep my glucose levels within normal range, then I saw something I never knew was possible...abs. I never stopped since. After being encouraged by the prisedent of the TTBBF Sussana Haddad I entered my first competition in 2010 and placed 1st locally and 3rd at the CAC Championships is Aruba. The rest was history.
So what effect did it have on your health?
It had a huge positive effect on my health, not only mine but everyone around me. They even call me Dr Kewley because its as though I know everything about health (which I don't). I have educated myself and continue to do so. I am ISSA, PTI and MACK7 certified and the founder of the RockBodies Elite Training System.
How many medals have you taken home since hitting the stage for the first time?
I have earned countless medals and throphies since my debut in 2010, including four Central American championships medals, five regional and one international invitational medal at the Eric Sports festival championships.
How did it feel the first time you took home first place, did you go in expecting to win?
The first time I took first place I was shocked and excited, up to this day everytime I hear my name or my number called as the winner I feel excited and honored to successfully continue to represent my country.

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