Page 19 - Flipbook
P. 19

  How do you raise money for travel expenses?
Usually I raise funds by putting on BBQ's, selling high quality RockBodies branded clothing and from my savings, which is at minus zero at this moment [laughs].
You hold a lot of credentials ranging from personal trainer to massage therapist, do you still work with a trainer in the gym or do you pretty much know what you're about?
I train myself, but also take advice from experienced people when possible. I usually workout with my training partner Dion aka Top Man. We use the Rockbodies Elite Training System, it is a system created by me using PTI, ISSA And MACK7 training techniques. This is the secrete to my success in keeping my body stage ready all year round.The RockBodies Elite Training System book will be available soon for all fitness trainers, coaches and fitness enthusiasts.
What joys do you get out of being a personal trainer?
I am full of joy when my clients achieve there fitness goals especially the ones who have struggled with obesity or being overweight for years.
How important is diet for you personally?
Diet is very important to me. Fortunately for me I have a level three diploma in sports nutrition. This makes it easy for me to get the right nutrition through a variety of foods and supplementation.
What's one golden rule that you live and train by?
No Off Season, No Excuses. Besides when is carnival?
What's the most flattering compliment you've ever received?
They say I look like my name.

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