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P. 22

 So you want to
be a Physique
Athlete - Part 2
by Tamara Ribiero-Bailey
Tamara Ribeiro-Bailey IFBB Pro @trinifigurepro
   Congratulations!! Despite all of the possible pitfalls and obstacles I spoke about in Part 1, you’ve made the decision to step onto the physique competition stage. You’re fairly sure you’re up to the hours of meal prep, rigid dieting and the grueling workouts – in fact, you’re actually looking forward to pushing your mind and body to the limit, and then pushing some more. You’ve stocked up on your protein,
BCAA’s, and your vitamins. Maybe you’re even lucky enough to have landed a sponsor, sugar daddy or sugar mommy. You’re psyched to fill your social media pages with posts and photos of your competition prep meals and your weight training and cardio grind and of course all the relevant fitness clichés - #nopainnogain #beastmode, #strongissexy #thestruggleisreal etc etc.

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