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 Women’s Bikini Fitness Catagory
Trinidad & Tobago Body Builders Federation, National Junior Championships, 6th June 2015.
Suit Selection
You’ve spent months working hard and sacrificing so much to hone and refine every detail of your physique, but if you’re wearing the wrong suit, all of this can go down the drain. You need to put advance thought into your contest wear, especially you ladies! Just like the mandatory poses, there are criteria for competition wear depending on your category, but you still have room to show some individuality. Girls, step away from your Bedazzler – get your suit custom made.
While these can be costly, now is not the time to be “penny wise and pound foolish” – you need a suit that fits your body properly and is decorated by someone who knows what they’re doing. Choose a colour that flatters your skin tone and hair colour. Men’s physique athletes, make sure your trunks are the right length and bodybuilders, please, leave the pampers for Junior!!
The Extras
So let’s face it – this sport is about aesthetics. You’re going to be judged on the way you look, and that doesn’t stop with your body alone! Like I said before, it’s the total package that will give you that edge.
You’re going to have to get a spray tan, so start exfoliating your skin at least 3 weeks prior to your show so it goes on evenly. Hair removal is a must, but you need to do your waxing at least 2 days before to allow your skin to settle down. Ladies, pay attention to that bikini line! It’s also a good idea to get a facial about 3 weeks before so your skin is glowing on show day. Book a trial with your hairstylist and makeup artist well before the competition to try out different looks. Get your nails done, and fellas, getting a pedicure doesn’t make you less of a man! Find a good barber and make sure you look well groomed. Remember, all eyes will be on you!
So if all of this still doesn’t faze you, then you’re halfway there – see you on stage!!

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