Page 41 - Flipbook
P. 41

Shot at Gulf View Health & Fitness Centre.
 We see you posting videos doing martial arts with kids, tell us about that?
I am a certified Shotokan and Jujitsu instructor, I've been teaching kids traditional karate as a means of not only spreading the values of self defence and discipline but also as a form of fitness. Plus it allows me to give back to the community and it’s something I love.
Have you ever had to use your combat skills to defend yourself?
Yes, many times... One of the most recent and most talked about incident was when I had to defend myself and family from armed bandits who attempted to rob us at our home. I must say however it was one of the shortest fights I was ever in but one I'd never regret. At the end of the day my family was safe and that was most important.
What is your biggest fear in life?
I'd have to say suffering an injury that can end my ability to train in the gym,
Who would you like to thank for being by your side and always supporting you during your journey?
There are a few that have been instrumental to my success, firstly God, secondly, my family, thirdly, Ms. Sussana Haddad, president of the TTBBF for all her advice, support and encouragement. I've also gotten a lot of key information and help from Todd Martin and Richard Seechan, both are veterans in the sport. I would also like to thank my martial arts instructors for their vital role in my fitness.
How important is it to have a good strong team and why?
You’re only as strong as your team. Only a team can pull each other forward...We all need support, it’s good to be surrounded by those who are always there for you no matter what.
What has been your secret to success? Never give up! Stay focused and never give up on your passion no matter how difficult things become.

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