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P. 40

 What advice would you give someone who has dreams of becoming a bodybuilder?
Information is key... Bodybuilding is a scientific sport, do your research and seek advice from knowledgeable people. Always remember form is everything. If you want to compete, train with someone who is or has been in the sport. Also become part of the TTBBF.
What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
I'd have to say placing first on a national level as well as training someone from scratch to compete on a national level. It isn’t just about my growth but the journey of others in the sport and my role alongside them, for example Timothy Lewis and Marissa Khan-Lutchman
What about the sport would you like to see improved?
Without a doubt I'd have to say the judging aspect, it appears as though some judges have their own opinion, this should be standardized. There also needs to be more seminars about the sport nationwide so the information can be made easily accessible to persons interested. Additionally measures and incentives should be implemented to attract new faces.
Do you think bodybuilding gets enough exposure from the media when it comes to proper coverage of competitions, especially away from home soil?
No!! There isn’t much support when it comes to marketing the sport and very little coverage of shows. It really is unfair and unsatisfactory for the athletes, more needs to be done.
How can We Fitness help athletes and the sport grow?
The magazine is doing a tremendous job so far, the content and publications are great, and it covers all areas of sport. I just think it needs to be more easily accessible to persons not in the gym.

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