Page 46 - Flipbook
P. 46

    Reverse Flyes
 With the resistance band under your feet and feet shoulder slightly wider than width apart, knees slightly bent, make an “X” with the band. Bend 90 degrees at the hips, with palms facing each other and a slight bend in the elbows lift you arms till they are parallel to the floor.
  Resisted Push-Up
Pass the length of the band behind your back and under your arms. Go into a push-up position with handles under the palms of each hand. Perform push-ups.
 Overhead Tricep Extension
Standing with you feet together, hold the handles in each hand and stand on the resistance band. Keep one arm at your side and raise the other so that you elbow is near your head and pointed upward. Keep you arm steady and pull the band above your head until you arm is pointing straight up. Keep you elbow steady.

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