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 What’s Inside Issue #004
WF Team
 Chief Executive Officer
Kirk Padmore
Editor in Chief
Andrew Hall
General Manager
Dale Padmore
Production Manager
Melanie Pantin
Design & Layout
Clever Ideas Design & Photography Limited
Avril Harry Stefan Lee Fook Ryan Joseph
Models and Contributors
Aaron Ambrose Avonette Hepburn Bella Sookdeo Cherise-Jayde Martin Dora Lockhart Jenna Woodley Kalifa Phillip Marisa Khan- Lutchman Natasha Ali-Thomas Robyn Pantin Rocky Kewley Shirley Nicome Simone Gonzales Tamara Ribeiro-Bailey Terri-Ann Cameroon Wazim Mohammed
A special Thank you to
Alfonso’s Fitness Centre Bio Fitness Gym CLX Health & Fitness Centre Gulf View Health & Fitness Centre
06 Pet Peeves at the gym 38
(continued from last issue)
08 Let’s Talk Boobies 42
10 Soca Song Challenge 46 12 One on One with Kalifa 50
16 WEFITNESS Body 52 Rocky Kewley
32 30
Meet Kalifa Phillip
I have diabetes?”
WEFITNESS Body Aaron Ambrose
Resistance Bands Workout with Tamara
WEFITNESS Body Terri-Ann Cameron
Gym Heroes
Health & Fitness Professionals Directory Listing
34 Q&A-“DoIhavetogiveup sugar and sweets because
            “BFF” Workout
WEFITNESS Body Marisa Khan Lutchman
BBQ Turkey Burgers Banana-Berry Smoothie
Centerfold Pop Out Poster with Kalifa
     DISCLAIMER: WEFITNESS Magazine makes no representations, warranties or assurances as to the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in this magazine publication. Our team collects information through it’s network of freelance writers and fitness trainers to put together a quality product for our readers. Always consult your doctor or physician before attempting any new exercise, product or enhancement drug.

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