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 Welcome note from our Chief Executive Officer
Hey guys,
“Welcome to WEFITNESS Magazine Issue Four!” (in my Amped up voice)
Firstly I want to apologize for the cancelling of our swim suit issue which was scheduled to be released in July, unfortunately we had some difficulties in doing so but we’re back with another issue for you guys and it’s awesome.
I’m so gratful for all the support we’ve recieved for the past three issues. in spite of all the challenges we faced, we made it to our fourth, maintaining our quality and raising the bar issue after issue. Our team has been working so hard to make sure you guys have something of substance and value that you can be proud to show off and say; “This is a 100% product of my beautiful island, Trinidad & Tobago.”
I would also like to thank everyone who’s amazing contributions have made all of this possible; family, friends, team members, models, writers, supporters and our amazing sponsors.
We really hope you enjoy this issue and as always thank you for all your support and I hope you continue to grow with us.
Kirk Padmore
CEO | Fitness & Physique Photographer
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