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P. 42

 Fit Your Identity
Everyday new entrepreneurs are emerging all over the world and it is no different in the fitness industry. From personal training, to gyms, boot camps and supplement brands the business of health and fitness is showing no sign of slowing down. According to the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) in 2011, the U.S. health club industry revenue reached US$21.4 billion with a total of 51.4 million memberships. That's a whole lot more than the entire population of Trinidad & Tobago, as a matter of fact, that’s more than the population of the Caribbean. As this lifestyle trend continues to grow, here in Trinidad there is one woman who is building the foundation for a whole new fitness movement.
Sherry Ann Charles is an entrepreneur and she is set to make her mark with a movement which she has founded called “FYI” (Fit Your Identity). When I sat down to chat with Sherry Ann my first impression of the 28 year old personal trainer is that she is very ambitious and very motivated. “It’s a lifestyle brand” says Sherry Ann. While talking about her brand and future goals she lights up with excitement and speaks passionately about the need she feels to inspire women. After gracing this issue as one of our WeFitness Bodies we were interested to learn more about her entrepreneurial goals and in sharing them with our readers.
WF: What is FYI and how did this idea come about?
SC: FYI in this case is the acronym for "Fit Your Identity". It is a positive fitness movement that is aimed at encouraging females to be the best version themselves. This idea came about based on demands or goals that were put forward to me by clients who wanted to have the shape and size of someone totally different in body structure. People wanted the impossible to happen naturally and over night.
WF: Why is it just for women? Any future room for men in your movement?
SC: I decided to launch this brand as female oriented because fitness/ muscles is really a male dominated world. My aim is to increase the amount of female fitness enthusiasts in our local fitness industry so they can further have a positive impact on those around them.
WF: Internationally, social media is bubbling with everything fitness related including new lines of fitness wear. You obviously believe it's time for Trinidad to get in on the action. What has the feedback been like for FYI?
SC: Feedback has been great thus far. People are interested in wearing my brand and are interested in being part of the movement in itself. FYI has plans to launch its own clothing line in May which would be locally manufactured and aims at providing customers with that confidence and vibrancy in physical appearance while executing their workouts.
WF: You feel really passionate about inspiring women, what drives your motivation and how do you plan to accomplish inspiring them?
SC: My motivation is driven by the challenge in changing the way women think of themselves and by extension men. We are more than workers, home makers, care givers. We have the right to look and feel healthy despite our circumstances. I have to walk the walk in order to inspire others keeping in mind that we are all on a different fitness journey. I plan to provide that shoulder and rock for females to believe and uplift themselves beyond what is expected.
WF: Do you think that social media has played a role in inspiring not only women but people in general to live a healthy and fit lifestyle?
SC: Yes I believe social media has inspired a lot of people to be conscious of how they look . It's like a media wave of pics and facts of how sexy being fit and healthy is.
WF: What other aspirations do you have for your brand?
SC: I have a lot of other projects that I'm working on like merchandizing and fitness programs that individuals should look forward to. It's going to be bad*ss.

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