Page 41 - Flipbook
P. 41

           Sherry Ann Charles
Certified Personal Trainer | Entrepreneur
WF: You grew up in the rural north eastern community of Grande Rivière in Trinidad. What was it like for you growing up there? Were you always athletic?
SC: Growing up in Grande Riviere is one of the things I'm most thankful for. Although rural I was able to enjoy the healthy and unpolluted environment as well as exploring my athletic side through school sports and community wellness events.
WF: When did you start taking fitness seriously?
SC: I started taking fitness seriously about five years ago. Although I was in and out of gym I still maintained an active lifestyle.
WF: The fitness trend has really taken off in recent years, what motivated you to get certified as a personal trainer?
SC: My passion for looking and feeling good motivated me to become a certified personal trainer. My lifestyle became a motivation to others so I was compelled to teach and help others achieve their goals.
WF: What is your biggest challenge when it comes to staying on track with your fitness goals?
SC: My biggest challenge is eating every two to three hours. I always have to ensure meals are prep and available to me especially when running errands and during social events.
WF: Have you ever felt intimidated walking into a crowed gym?
SC: I have NEVER felt intimidated walking into a crowded gym because I am always prepared for my workouts and I only see the equipment and my reflection in the mirror. But now I am even more confident as a personal trainer so I'm mindful of other humans in my playing field that may need my assistance.
WF: What is your biggest pet peeve at the gym?
SC: Wow!!!! From the list of things I can think about as a personal trainer I'll say when my clients give up having five more reps to complete.
As a gym member when individuals try to talk to me during my reps seeing my headphones on my ears and fatigue on my face. Then I'm described as having an attitude at the gym.
WF: Do you have plans to ever compete on stage and if so in what category?
SC: Yes I do have plans to compete in the Juniors Miss Wellness category. I think I'll fit in quite well there.
WF: Do you think that women in fitness receive an equal amount of respect and recognition as men?
SC: I don't think women receive an equal amount of respect and recognition just yet but soon though because muscles on women is still something growing in acceptance locally.
WF: Are there any women who inspire you?
SC: I think all women in fitness inspire me because everyone has their own personal goals and agenda to achieve it. But I am really self motivated because I have my own style and goals as well.
WF: With the growing popularity of fitness photography on social media do you think it has caused a change in the way women with toned bodies are perceived?
SC: Yes fitness photography on social media has caused a positive change in the way women with toned bodies are perceived. Yes there are those who still think lifting weights would turn you into a man looking structure, but time, knowledge and simply having good health would speak for itself.

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