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P. 55

Elevate the injured or sore area on pillows while applying ice anytime you are sitting or laying down. Try to keep the area at or above the level of your heart to help minimize swelling.
These steps are for acute injuries, however for old recurring problems make an appointment to see an orthopedic specialist and/or a sports doctor. These types of doctors would be most familiar with the issues you are having. Prior to your appointment be prepared to ask the right questions and take note of the terminologies. Don’t be overwhelmed or afraid to ask your doctor to explain anything you don’t understand. In the event that the doctor wants you to get an x-ray or depending on the issue even an Ultrasound, CT scan or MRI, this may take more than one appointment and can become very costly. I cannot stress enough how important it is to get a second and maybe a third opinion.
In my experience some injuries were easy fixes, just a steroidal injection to strengthen the area, but others, surgery and weeks of physical therapy. It’s important that you do your own research of the diagnosed issue as this will help you understand the best
course of treatment. While I personally swear by physical therapy as there hasn’t been anything else that has given me more results, you should consider some other options along with your PT such as: Manipulation, Yoga, Acupuncture, Myofascia Release, Cupping and so on.
I must say that Myofascia Release along with physical therapy has really benefitted me the most. I would recommend manipulation and yoga as well. The absolute most important thing about PT is to do your homework. You don’t need to see your physical therapist very often as long as you take what they gave you and apply it everyday or as often as recommended. It won't work if you are not consistent.
Let me leave you with this piece of advice: mind your habits, mind your posture, how you sleep, stand, sit and play. Little things like sitting on your wallet can cause a tilt in your hip and over months to years can cause problems and injuries. Prevention is better than cure, so along with your trainer ensure that your routine includes injury prevention training as well.

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