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 natasha.ali.334 @tashyy7677
Natasha Ali
TTBBF Bikini Fitness Athlete
Age: 38, Height: 5’, Weight: 102 lbs
Who is Natasha Ali and how long have you been a bikini fitness athlete?
I've been a bikini fitness athlete for the last 4 years, it's been a great experience and I've definitely learnt a lot over the years!
What made you decide to get into the sport?
I was always into fitness, gymnastics and dancing were also my life. At one point I was extremely fit and decided if it's anytime to compete will be now, soooo I did it! I absolutely love the stage.
If you could make some changes to the sport in Trinidad & Tobago what would those be?
I would say more investment by the government and private sector to improve the infrastructure, general standard of competitions and generate more opportunities for education and international exposure for the athletes.
We had a great time with you on our photoshoot, what did you enjoy most about working with WEFITNESS?
(Laughs) That photoshoot was actually one of the best I've ever done, so much fun!! So professionally done and I felt totally comfortable with Kirky... WEFITNESS Rocks!
You especially enjoyed some shots we took of you holding a glass of wine. Any guilty pleasures?
Well boy oh boy!! As I walked into the shoot I saw wine and well yeah it just went from there! (Laughs) Hmmm...guilty pleasure, heck of course I do! I have quite a bit but I have to say mango chow is my worst weakness! So maybe we can have that next shoot (laughing) just kidding.
Is there anyone out there in the fitness world that you really admire and look up to?
Honestly I admire most of the fitness athletes, because I know what it takes to be a successful athlete and how much determination and discipline it takes to get where you want to be. Have to say I really do admire Narmin Assria bikini athlete, she's short like me and she's so positive about everything and always so motivated.
Throughout history, society’s perception of female physical beauty has always changed, we are in an age now where strong and toned is the new sexy. Do you think this trend is here to stay and why?
Yeah I definitely support the strong is the new sexy, women should never be afraid to lift! It's so refreshing to know that women can lift and be confortable in their own skin. Women have been able to embrace their strength and take the pressure off of being thin.

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