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 mikhail.ragoonanan @mikhail_ajay_fitness
Mikhail Ragoonanan
Crossfit Athlete / Boxer / Model & Gym Owner
Age: 26, Height: 5’ 11”, Weight: 160 lbs
So we know that you have the most famous facial hair in the country, but tell us, who is Mikhail Ragoonanan?
A well rounded, passionate and hard working individual that surrounds himself with positivity and reflects it everyday.
What's your preference and why; Crossfit style training vs heavy iron?
CrossFit training mixes everything so there is heavy lifting involved yet there Is high intensity and long duration work also. I don't do the typical CrossFit workouts but they are very similar. I put my own spin on training but I would say I prefer CrossFit style training over just lifting heavy since it gives a better balance and I'm all about balance in my fitness goals. For example, I want to be able to deadlift 500lbs and run a sub 1 hour and 35 minute half marathon. I just think it's cool to be very good at everything and not a specialist in one aspect. That's just me and what I believe.
What song do you keep on heavy rotation when you workout?
Mostly hip hop and especially Drake. Right now I'm killing "Jumpman" by Drake and Future.
What motivates you mentally in the gym?
The high I get from getting better or accomplishing anything in my life is what drives me. I crave that feeling, it is my addiction and thankfully there is no rehab for success.
We heard that you can get down in the ring, have you seen the movies South Paw and Creed? Who would you say had the best body transformation in a film?
I have seen both these movies and they were awesome! I would say Jake Gyllenhaal had more of a dramatic transformation but both men were in great shape!
What are some of your (fitness) goals for 2016?
2016 I'm focusing on getting stronger, not just mentally, but physically and emotionally! As the Chinese would say "Without strength you don't have anything."

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