Page 56 - WF6-Flipbook
P. 56

 the emphasis is on poise and stage presentation as much as their physical condition.
Women’s Physique - Contrary to popular belief, women have the right to have muscles! In this category, the women will have nice round, full muscles and a low level of body fat. Like the male bodybuilders, they will be compared while performing mandatory poses and will perform 30-second posing routines. They wear two-piece swimsuits that are often decorated with colourful crystals and because they are required to maintain a feminine look, they will be well made up and coiffed.
Body Fitness - These women will have a fair amount of muscle but not as much as the
women’s physique competitors, and will be lean, proportional and streamlined with a low level of body fat. They will perform individually by executing a “model walk” and then will be required to pose together while doing quarter turns. They will be wearing decorated bikini-style swimsuits with high heels, jewelry, makeup and sleek hairstyles. The judges will be assessing grace, elegance, poise and confidence as much as a fit physique.
Bikini Fitness - This category is arguably the most popular with the viewing public, hence the reason it is usually scheduled close to the end of the show! Muscle mass is not required in this category – rather, these ladies will have a fit, healthy and attractive “model-like” appearance. They also wear two-piece suits with heels, jewelry and the works.
They perform a model walk and quarter turns just like the body fitness athletes, however, their model walks are usually “flirtier” and their stage poses are slightly different, meant to display their feminine curves to full advantage. Yes, the gentlemen love this one!
So now you know what to expect at your first bodybuilding show, at least from the competitors. The audience? Well, you know Trinis! The athletes usually bring with them a raucous support squad to cheer them on and of course, picong abounds! All of this results in a dynamic, engaging and entertaining experience. After your first show, you will definitely leave with a new found respect for these athletes and the sport.
See you at the next show!

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