Page 54 - WF6-Flipbook
P. 54

 What To
At Your FirstTamaraRibiero-Bailey | IFBBPROAthlete
Bodybuilding Show.
So your colleague at work or your gym buddy is raving about the bodybuilding show they went to that weekend. “You have to come to the next one!” they tell you. “You don’t know what you’re missing!”’re not too sure. I mean, just going to look at muscular, tanned and oiled down bodies in teeny bathing suits flexing on a stage to pulsing music....oh wait, why am I hesitating again??
Ok so yes, obviously there will be flesh on display, but never forget that bodybuilding is a bonafide sport, not a meat market. The competitors endure several months of rigid dieting, intense workouts and the curtailment of their social life to prepare their physiques to step on the stage. They are then subjected to scrutiny and judgment from a panel of experts and quite often a less than kind audience. So it would be good to know in advance what you’re about to see in order to be able to appreciate it on a less superficial level.
Ok so yes, obviously there will be flesh on display, but never forget that bodybuilding is a bonafide sport, not a meat market. The competitors endure several months of rigid dieting, intense workouts and the curtailment of their social life to

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