Page 45 - WF6-Flipbook
P. 45

  When did you first decide you wanted a professional career in the field of fitness? I first decided to become a personal trainer after producing Trinidad and Tobago's second professional bodybuilder in the form of Kelvin "Dread" Daniel.
We heard you prepare athletes for bodybuilding competitions, how are a few of the names?
Kelvin Daniel, Karen Williams, Candace John, Natasha Ali, Shanni Rocke are some just to name a few.
Have you ever competed in the Sport of bodybuilding, if not... Why?
No I've never competed in the sport of bodybuilding as I've never been focused on competing but on creating champions.
Who is the most influential bodybuilder to you?
Ky Green because of his humble beginnings.
Tell us about your diet, what do you normally eat and what do you stay away from?
My Diet consists mainly of dry ground provisions, fish, eggs, oats and all forms of vegetables. I try to stay away from flour and grease as much as possible minimal sugar and minimal fast food. Always try to maximize water intake.
How do you keep fit and that amazing physique you walk around in at 61?
I keep fit by training 2 hours a day 4 days a week.
Shot at Bio Fitness Gym, The Falls, Westmall.

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