Page 22 - Flipbook
P. 22

   3. Swiss ball hands to feet pass
 Lay face up with legs extended and arms stretched overhead, holding ball between hands. Crunch up, engaging core and lifting shoulders, arms, and straight legs all at once. With arms and legs lifted, pass ball from hands to feet, squeezing thighs and feet together to hold ball in place. Lower hands, feet, and torso. Repeat, this time passing ball back to hands. That's 1 rep.
4. Swiss ball rollout
Hold a plank position with your elbows on the ball. Keeping your core engaged, keep your back flat while slowly rolling the ball away from you by straightening your elbows as far as you can. Pause then return to the start position by bending your elbows.
5. Swiss ball crunch
Lie face up on the ball, with ball under lower back, feet on floor hip-width apart, and hands behind ears. Brace core, tighten glutes, and slowly crunch upper body upward, raising shoulders off ball and tucking chin to chest. Squeeze abdominals. Slowly lower upper body down to return to start. That's 1 rep.

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