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 What’s Inside
WEFITNESS Magazine Issue Two
 Lee’sIntroduction 06 GettingbackintoShapeafterPregnancy 09 Quick&EasyWorkoutforKids 12 Q&AwithLeeBeatrice 14 WEFITNESSBody|DexterSimon 16 SocaSongChallenge-Core 19 Q&AwithLeeBeatricecontinued 20 Let’smakeGranola 23 CharleneProcope’sMiniFeature 24 WEFITNESSBody|CharleneProcope 26 Q&AwithLeeBeatricecontinued 28 CenterfoldLee 30 So...You’reThinkingofBecomingaPhysiqueAthlete 33 WEFITNESSBody|MikhailRagoonanan 36 PowerCoupleWorkout 39 GreatSideDishforDiabetics 43 WEFITNESSBody|CassieSilvana 44 BuildaBootyatHome 47 PreventingTrainerBurnout 50 WEFITNESSBody|NatashaAli 52 RoadtoRecovery 54 Techs&Gadets 57 BestSellingProteinPowderSupplementsfor2015 58
   DISCLAIMER: WEFITNESS Magazine makes no representations, warranties or assurances as to the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in this magazine publication. Our team collects information through it’s network of freelance writers and fitness trainers to put together a quality product for our readers. Always consult your doctor or physician before attempting any new exercise, product or enhancement drug.

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