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 charlene.procope @chars_fitnesschef
Charlene Procope
TTBBF Bikini Fitness Athlete / Model & Fitness Chef
Age: 30, Height: 5’ 9”, Weight: 140 lbs
If you had the option of only doing one on a given day, would you prefer to cook or hit the gym?
Cooking, I love cooking I would put it first .
What are your personal favorite pre and post workout meals?
Coffee and spoonful of peanut butter before training, And I will take my post workout protein after I train.
Any plans to open your own restaurant?
Yes. I am just going through the process but it will happen soon.
What do you enjoy most about competing?
The challenge, I love to push myself, love the entire transformation process ,especially the week before competition.
What’s your favorite body part to train?
That will have to be Legs, just love them.
When you hit the gym do you prefer to train with a partner or do you prefer to roll solo?
I prefer training solo ,but I don't mind training with a partner at times. Lol not really.
You’re a pretty busy woman, how do you spend your off time?
I spend most of it reading my books ,listening to motivational tapes and spending time with my family.
As a woman how has weight training and becoming a fitness competitor affected your self image?
It has in a positive way, I love how I feel and look, it's hard work and I am proud of myself, weight training is the best, but It goes hand in hand with your diet. Don't worry ladies despite what some people may say you won't look like a man by lifting weights your just gonna look lean and sexy.

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