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6 Ways to Avoid Workout Injuries

6 Ways to Avoid Workout Injuries

by Andrew Hall | Editor in Chief, We Fitness Magazine

So you’ve been inspired by Instagram to start working on that body you’ve always dreamed of. Whatever your reason for hitting the gym or turning your living room into your personal Gold’s Gym for 20 minutes on afternoons think safety first before you go H.A.M. on that workout. Here are a few tips to avoid injuring that bod before it’s achieved it’s full potential:

1. Warm Up

Warming up with 5-10 minutes of a high rep, low intensity, quick paced exercise such as jogging, jump rope, or stationary bike riding can help you to avert injury later on in you workout. Your warm up increases your heart rate raising the temperature of your muscles due to increase in blood flow. This loosens up the muscles promoting flexibility and mobility.

2. Stretch

We’re not talking about a tantric yoga routine here, unless your workout is in fact yoga. Stretching is important to relax and elongate your muscles before and after your workout. It also increases circulation, improves flexibility and range of motion in muscles and joints. Remember to breathe while stretching and guys try to not to look totally creepy while Ms. Yoga Pants is doing her downward facing dog.

3. Ease Into It

Think gradual. Don’t hit your first rep at maximum weight. Build intensity, frequency and duration. Do a warm up set with a lighter weight than you’re used to in order to introduce your muscles to the range of motion of the exercise and to pushing weight through that range.

4. Use Correct Technique

We’ve all seen those workout failure videos where that one guy or gal is performing a set of something that doesn’t resemble anything that should be legally done in a gym. One major cause for workout injury is the use of improper technique. This can result in a pull, rip or tear of delicate connective tissue that can be very painful and also put you out the game and on the bench for a few weeks. If you are unsure, seek advice from one of the trainers at the gym. If you are working out at home, there is a ton of information online for any exercise you can think of. Become your own technique guru. Our advice? Check out those guys at WeFitness.com…come on you saw that coming.

5. Listen

Do not listen to the gym Spartan across the room yelling “AROO” every time he lifts a dumbbell off the rack, we’re talking about listening to your body. While the theory of overtraining is debatable to some and would vary for individuals, it can however affect your muscles and nervous system’s ability to recuperate. This can lead to injury, slow progress and affect overall strength and conditioning. Our advice? Follow a workout plan that is doable. If you find that you can’t complete your sets or you are too fatigued to complete your workout, cut back and allow yourself to build gradually.

6. Rest

Important for mind and body. Muscle growth and recovery is at its optimum during rest periods. Rest is important for high-level performance and repair of muscle tissue. Give your body time to recuperate in between workouts and in between sets. Depending on your schedule and level of training, working out between 3-5 days a week is adequate for the average individual.

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