Page 23 - WF6-Flipbook
P. 23

  What are you most passionate about and would you say that you are fulfilling that passion?
Apart from being a mom and loving what I do for a living, I'm also very passionate about psychology and art. These are two areas I don't get to spend much time on.
What is one major thing you would like to accomplish in life?
I would like to ensure my daughters have strong hearts and well developed minds. See them face the world fearless and grounded and [having] own my own well being and fitness facility.
What would be your ultimate WOD?
- 20 burpees
- 12 Thrusters (20 - 25lb dumbbell)
- 60 double unders
- 12 V ups with (8 - 10 lb dumbbell) - 10 full squats (135lbs)
- 1/4 mile run
- Plank 2 mins or more
Are there any fitness or athletic competitions (local or foreign) that you would like to compete in one day? Yes, I would compete as a bikini fitness competitor either locally or abroad.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of the accomplishments I made when I moved back into Port of Spain. I started over everything from scratch and it's definitely the most difficult time of my life. I'm continuing to move forward and reach my full potential.

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