Page 20 - WF6-Flipbook
P. 20

 “My daughters keep me grounded. I live for them, knowing that they are looking up to me keeps me motivated to keep moving forward...”
 Being a personal trainer is sometimes more than just training the body but also the mind. How do you keep your female clients motivated?
I'm open to my clients 24/7. I have regular conversations about their stress levels, struggles etc...I ensure them that I'm there not just for exercise but for overall well-being. I encourage meditations, remind them that it's a journey, to be gentle with themselves and take it step by step, fitness and well-being is a lifestyle. I can
relate to women more and it's easier for them to confide in me. Most times being a listening ear goes a long way. Sharing my own difficulties and successes with training and dieting encourages them too to stick with what they're doing.
What keeps you grounded and motivated?
My daughters keep me grounded. I live for them, knowing that they are looking up to me keeps me motivated to keep moving forward.

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