Page 3 - Flipbook
P. 3

 Team What’s W5 Inside
  Chief Executive Officer
Kirk Padmore
Company Director
Angela Padmore
Editor in Chief
Andrew Hall
the Best Year Yet!
One on One with Sade
General Manager
Dale Padmore
Production Manager
Melanie Pantin
Production Assistant
Robyn Pantin
Kalifa Phillip Kieran Valley-Gordon Orlando Griffith Seuling Chow Stefan Lee Fook Ryan Joseph
Design & Layout
Clever Ideas Design & Photography Limited
Make Up Artists
WEFITNESS Body Bruce Antonio
04 Meet Sade Ellis
06 5 Steps to Making 2017
20 6 Hard Core Swiss Ball
DISCLAIMER: WEFITNESS Magazine makes no representations, warranties or assurances as to the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in this magazine publication. Our team collects information through it’s network of freelance writers and fitness trainers to put together a quality product for our readers. Always consult your doctor or physician before attempting any new exercise, product or enhancement drug.
Love & Fitness
Be my Valentine Fit Buddy
Moves to Try!
24 WEFITNESS Body Fiona Branker
28 Centrefold Pop Out Poster with Sade
32 Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter
Energy Bites 34 Hello Carnival - TIPS
  Megan-Leigh Martin (Sade) 36 Alana Stanislaus (Fiona)
WEFITNESS Body Wazim Mohammed
Models and Contributors
Allison Brown
Bella Sookdeo Brendon Francis Brent Fingal Bruce Antonio Cathy Charles Cherise-Jayde Martin Fiona Branker Sade Ellis Sterling Mc Kenzie Talia Austin Vanessa Hall Wazim Mohammed Zelus Williams
40 Mind your Muscle
44 48
50 Health & Fitness Professionals Directory Listing
Sole Searching
  WEFITNESS Body Bella Sookdeo
Pick Up Artist

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