Page 49 - Flipbook
P. 49

  Did you grow up partaking in sports? Are you very athletic?
Yes I did! I played football for my secondary school up until form 6. Aside from that throughout my life I took part in cricket, Basketball, Dragon boat racing, Aerobics, Yoga, Zumba, Kickboxing and Spin . Always loved sports (even if I'm not good at all) But yes I guess I will say I am very athletic.
What got you into weightlifting?
I obtained quite a few injuries throughout my football years and a sport doctor recommended therapy in the form of weightlifting. I was also never the type of person to be sedentary. So it was also another great way of staying active in a controlled environment.
Did you ever experience any negativity as a female weightlifter?
Oh yeah all the time. Lol! I think every female in this sport will agree that we get told the same thing all the time "I don't want to get hard like you nah" , "I love life to much to eat like that", " Eat some real food", These are just a few comments I have received. I am always met with a lot of negativity and 95% of the time its from another female. It does not bother me at all, in fact I am quite amused.
What do you enjoy most about working out with weights?
The gainssssssss. I have done quite a lot of different types of training and weight training is the only form of exercise that has yielded maximum results for me coupled with some good cardio of course.
What other hobbies do you have?
I may sound like a nerd but I love reading, listening to music, art (viewing / drawing), cooking (because I love to eat), watching movies and National Geographic, spending time with my dogs and playing video games.

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