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       with Shirley Nicome, MS, Nutritionist & Registered Dietician Email:
“Do I have to give up
sugar and sweets
because I have Diabetes?”
Not completely; you may still be able to enjoy some of your sweet treats in moderation with healthy meal planning and exercise, but follow your doctor’s advice if you are on medication.
Sugar, sweetened drinks, sweet desserts and snacks, can be part of a healthy meal plan for individuals with diabetes. Healthy guidelines for the general population are the same for diabetics- decrease sugar, decrease salt, decrease fat, increase fibre etc. The only difference is: diabetics must pay careful attention to their choices of “carbohydrates” and how they are used in their daily meal plan. All types of carbs turn to glucose (sugar) in the blood when digested and cause blood sugar to rise. Carbohydrate is the main nutrient in food that raises blood sugar. Diabetics must learn how to track the carbohydrates in their meals and snacks.
Diabetics must choose slow release carbs (complex carbs) ground provisions, whole grains that are high in fibre and digested slowly to keep blood sugar level at a safe range meaning that these carbs do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.
Always read the nutrition facts on food labels for sugar content and know words that mean sugar, fructose, (fruit sugar) lactose ( milk sugar) dextrose, sucrose, maltose sorbitol; syrup, corn sweetener, cane juice, molasses, honey. All words than end in “ol” and “ose” are forms of sugar that would affect your blood sugar.
To keep blood sugar under control is to know your carbohydrate allowance for the day, and do carbohydrate counting, to exchange and substitute food. Once you stay within your carb allowance and your total calories for the day regardless of the type of carb, your blood sugar would be maintained at a safe range.
Article supplied by Personal Trainer Simone Gonzales

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