Page 28 - Flipbook
P. 28

  As a mother and a business owner how do find time to balance family, business and training?
It's all time consuming but I love every bit of my day. I train during the day when my son is at school, after I pick him up we would do homework, I would prepare meals for the next day and when he's asleep I would do paper work for our company and then study for exams. So it's all about time management.
When did you first start competing and what was it like stepping on stage for the first time?
I first started competing in June 2015, my first show was the national juniors. Thanks to my trainer I had proper composure, I was not nervous on stage. Like everyone else the nerves started kicking in just before I stepped on stage but once I stepped on that stage all nerves subsided. I was told to just have fun with it and so i did.
Would you recommend that anyone thinking about competing should work with a trainer?
Definitely any person thinking about competing should work with a trainer and one that actually knows what there're doing. In this way you get the help you need and the push you require.
How did you find a trainer that suited you?
My previous trainer got sacked and my current trainer offered to help and one workout did it for me.
How important and strict is your diet both in preparation for competition and off season?
When preparing for a competition my diet is very strict but off season I would eat clean with KFC and a few doubles in and out...even us athletes have to live.

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