Page 13 - Flipbook
P. 13

How and when did you become so involved in fitness?
I joined a gym almost 3 years ago to strengthen my legs after suffering a knee injury. I just fell in love with the lifestyle of lifting and eating healthy.
What was it that attracted you to compete as a physique athlete?
It looked like fun. I did pageants and modelling in my younger years. I welcomed the opportunity to get "dolled up" and pose under bright lights again.
What is it about being on stage that you enjoy so much?
Its the culmination of months of hard work and sacrifice. Its my time to shine.
Some women have the opinion that lifting weights makes you “bulky”, “hard”, or “manly”. What would you say are some of the benefits to weight lifting for women who do not plan to step on stage?
Weightlifting has so many benefits. It's not going to make you look unnattractive. Actually the opposite. You can build an aesthetically pleasing physique. Benefits are not only external. Weightlifting helps you maintain a healthy weight, burn more fat, build muscle that will support joints, increase strength, increase bone density, improve balance, correct postural issues. List could go on and on.
What advice would you give to someone who may have never set foot inside a gym but would like to start?
Do a lot of research. Don't trust "gym instructors" unless you know their background. If you need assistance hire a qualified personal trainer.
Many people say that they don't have time to workout. You have a job, and you are also an entrepreneur in and outside of fitness. How do you manage to find balance between the many things that you do and your personal life?
My life is crazy. Fitness so far have taken over most of my time. Right now it is the priority. All other activities are begging for more attention. I'm working on it.

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