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  Carceia samuel
TTBBF Bikini Fitness Athlete
Age: 22, Height: 5’, 3”, Weight: 123 lbs
When did you decide you wanted to become a bikini fitness competitor?
Growing up I always wanted to be a fitness model, then I was introduced to the sport by Lee Beatrice when I first started working out at the gym.
What do you enjoy most about the sport and do you see room for improvement for it in Trinidad & Tobago?
I enjoy the satisfaction, the end result of all the hard work I put in from the tedious dieting, the intense training etc.
If someone were to recognize you by just seeing one body part which would it be?
Definitely my core "Abs of steel."
How has your lifestyle changed since becoming a fitness competitor?
I am much more self motivated, I push myself a lot with or without a trainer.
At home training or gym training?
Gym training mostly.
We all have days when we feel off at the gym, what helps you to push through your workout?
On days when I feel down I constantly remind myself of how bad I really want this, where I am and the level that is needed in order to make a big impact in the sport, successfully.
How do you think the perception of women lifting weights has changed in recent years?
The term lifting weights would make you look manly is a thing of the past now we women want more than just being tone, we love seeing definition, even a bit of muscle in the right areas.
What are your goals for yourself in the sport in the next couple years?
My goal is to make a big difference... I plan to regain the TTBBF Bikini Fitness title and to continue representing my country regionally and soon, internationally with a goal to achieve my pro card.

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