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 dexter1simon @dextersimon1
Dexter Simon
TTBBF Physique Athlete & Trainer
Age: 47, Height: 5’ 7.5”, Weight: 160 lbs
Tell us, who is Dexter Simon?
Dexter Simon is a highly self driven individual who never settles for 2nd best in anything.
How long have you been competing in the sport?
I have been competiting in the sport since the age of 10, doing power lifting, body building and physique.
What has been your highlight moment?
I have 2, qualifying for the Boston marathon with a 3hr 18 minutes time over 26.2 miles and recently in 2015, ranking #7 in Masters Physique at World’s Masters in San Salvador.
Training day in and day out for years takes real dedication. What keeps you motivated?
My motivation comes from seeing people achieve and do things for themselves and their families like staying in shape and living a healthy balanced life style.
What are two of your worst pet peeves in the gym?
People who come to a gym to socialize and disturb others who are focused and those who walk into the gym in muddy shoes and leave prints all over the floor. That's just not cool!
How often do you have cheat meals? What's your favorite?
Once I am training for a competition I don't have any cheat meals; I however plan my "curry fest" post competition cheat days which are normally 2 days of eating roti with beef, chicken, pumpkin, potato and channa after competition, that way I get my fill and the desire for it out of my system totally so I could refocus for another cycle of training and dieting.
How do you think this sport can be improved in T&T?
I think this sport can be improved by treating athletes better. Most back stage areas are not fit for the athletes people are paying money to see. We need to be comfortable, have warm up equipment and not have to sit on the ground cramped up like sardines to prepare to go on stage. Raise the standards for athletes and the caliber of the competition will also rise, which will encourage more patrons and supporters to come out in their numbers and the promoters will make more money and provide better incentives to create a better event.
The government and private sector also needs to do their part and support before and not after someone achieves.

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