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   Getting to know
- with Andrew Hall
Age: 28 Height: 6’ 3” Weight: 195lbs Sport: Taekwondo
How long have you been practicing Taekwondo?
I’ve been doing Taekwando for 10 years now
What has been your highlight accomplishment thus far?
Winning gold at the World Taekwondo Open this year.
What do you have your sight on next?
The Olympic qualifiers in March 2016.
How has training for that been?
Very intense. I currently train everyday sometimes up to 8 hrs a day.
You've been to training camps in different countries right? Where have you been and how has that helped you to become a better fighter?
Yes I have been to training camps in Canada, Korea and Mexico. Training at these camps has exposed me to top tier athletes that I am able to spar with frequently. In addition, foreign camps provide an environment conducive to focusing solely on training. Each camp offers something a little different but your game always improves by a large margin after that level of immersion.
Besides actually doing Taekwondo, what other types of training do you do?
The Sportt Strength and Conditioning program works on wholistically removing the deficiencies from my body. My regime there includes weight lifting, running, whole body cardio circuits, balance and agility drills as well as a lot of core strengthening.
Have you ever suffered any injuries in your fighting career and how did you overcome those injuries?
Unfortunately yes, I tore a muscle over a year ago that still bothers me. Rest was the first and most important step. I had to stop all activity for over a month. After that it was only a matter of slowly restrengthening the damaged area and remaining patient.
What is a typical training and diet day for you like?
Wake up at 4am, have a light breakfast (fruit, yogurt and gatorade), head to my 5 am cardio session. Finish at 6:30 am and then head to my second breakfast which will be a bit heavier. Rest until my 9am strength and conditioning (workout) which would finish at noon. Head to Wrap Works for one of their rice bowls or burritos and then relax until my 3pm technical session which would usually include kicking drills and sparring. Dinner is usually a recovery shake and a heavy meal. I don't shy away from carbs either as I'm very active everyday.
Do you have a personal mantra?
Too many! I find positive affirmation very helpful at remaining focused and optimistic when perusing a difficult goal. The most amusing to the people around me is usually the phrase "That has nothing do do with me!" I use that when I'm walking passed delicious things that I know I'm not supposed to eat. Junk food is definitely one of my weak points.
Any advice for our readers trying to achieve personal fitness goals?
Take small manageable steps. Very often I hear people making claims of the extreme lifestyle changes they are going to make to become more healthy, but they are usually so drastic that they are difficult to follow through with. For instance no carb diets, or saying you are going to lift everyday when u have been inactive for years. Dieting wise I always suggest making a list of the foods that you know are unhealthy and eliminating them one by one.

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